Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The BEST Barcelona Graffiti

OK, it's been a while since my last graffiti post but what a post to come back to one of my favourite themes in Barcelona: Graffiti. There are some great places to see graffiti in the city, apart from those commissioned by shop owners wanting to spruce up their dreary grey shutters. One of those places is skateboarders' favourite hangout, the Three Chimneys Park on Parallel.

Barcelona Sights Blog - Michael Jackson Graffiti
I've seen some fantastic pieces here over my 9 years in Barcelona, and I think maybe due to the fact that the size of the wall is perfect for a graffiti artist to use, and can be easily visible from the road (it's slightly set back). I also assume there is an unwritten law between artists about how you should respect a piece and leave it a certain amount of time, as some previous works have been there for months (I may be completely wrong on this, and correct me if so, there may be a street law?).

So, I guess given the huge impact Michael Jackson's death has caused around the world, and the subsequent enquiries into the manslaughter claims, etc. it should have been no surprise to see the excellent work adorning the first concrete slab in the Parc de les tres chimeneis this week, but it took my breath away. Those clever lads at AXE Graffiti have pulled off an amazing piece of artwork, worthy to stay for life in my book. I'm sure you'll agree.

Michael Jackson Graffiti - Barcelona Sights
Axe colours have also been responsible for creating perhaps the coolest car park in Barcelona, up on Villarroel, as well as many other impressive jobs. Check out their web in the above link for more details.

For more details on great things to visit in Barcelona, see this list of the best Barcelona Parks and Gardens. And if you're looking for a place to stay, try apartments for rent in Barcelona as a money saving technique between friends.


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